Wednesday, November 12, 2008

First Post

For some reason, the very first post here is proving to be harder to type than it should.

Anyway, this is my new blog for my ceramics store over at Etsy (which you can see by following the link, or the handy-dandy toolbar over on the right.) I'm still working on getting pictures of everything, and all my items up for sale, so maybe this is a little premature, but I wanted to document my progress somewhere.

My ultimate goal is to turn my obsess--er, I mean, craft, into a viable fulltime operation. So far, I have 11 pieces up for sale (only 6 with pictures, because my laptop doesn't want to cooperate with me), a paypal account, and a brand new checking account to keep track of all my expenses and sales.

Here I will be chronicling my mishap-- I mean, adventures, into managing my own business, as well as my experiments in clay forms, firing and glazes. All of my glaze recipies are stored on, a site that will also ship raw materials, or take your recipies and send you the glazes pre-mixed to your specifications.

Still pending:
- A new banner,
- A shop logo,
- Business cards,
- A personal glaze pallete (beyond the school glazes),
- Shipping boxes, and official shipping costs,
- Small Business accounting software of some kind.

- Heather

P.s., Successfully resisted the urge to make this entire post nothing but "First Post! First Post! Lolz!"

1 comment:

David said...

Welcome and good luck, over on your other blog you list this site as et& and it is actually et&

This may account for the lack of traffic.